Becoming paralyzed isn't the easiest thing to deal with. In the beginning it is very important to have a support group of friends to be there for you and to build up your spirits. About a week ago Life Rolls On, which is the non profit foundation that I started was contacted about a surfer by the name of Nathan Gocke who recently became paralyzed from the result of a surfing accident. They were hoping to have me be able to visit Nathan in the hospital. I of course said yes and wanted to be able to help him in anyway possible. I know from my own experience becoming paralyzed from a surfing accident in 1996 how important it was for me to have visitors come who have been in a wheelchair for some time to be able to give me advice on how to cope with such an injury.
So yesterday I drove an hour in a half from my home in Santa Monica out to Casa Colina Hospital in Pomona. On the way out there I was excited to be able to give back and have an opportunity to inspire and motivate Nathan. When I arrived at the hospital I rolled into the lobby and checked in so that I could get my guest pass and the directions to his room. I wasn't nervous at all being back in the hospital, because I have come to a peaceful place with my own injury and it makes me feel calm and relaxed when I get a chance to inspire others. So as I got to the room I rolled right in. Nathan instantly had a big smile on his face and it felt really special just to see him smile for that brief moment. We talked for about an hour and he seemed to be in really good spirits. It was really nice to know that he is a positive guy with high hopes of a speedy recovery. We talked about a new life that he was going to be living. A new journey that was unknown as of now, but would unfold as each day passes. I told him that if he ever needed to talk to me, no matter what time it is, feel free to call me and we can talk about anything you want. He also told me how inspired he was when he saw the photo of me surfing in Fiji at a well known surf spot called Cloudbreak. Not only is the wave amazing, but it is one of the most dangerous waves in the world due to its power and that it breaks over a very shallow coral reef. I told him in due time that he will be out there surfing with me again and catching some more amazing waves.
Before leaving the hospital I asked Nathan if he would be interested in having Life Rolls On document his journey through rehab and recovery. We would film him while he was doing his therapy and do interviews with him about his thoughts and feelings about his recovery. He began to cry and told me he would be honored to do this documentary. We talked about how it would inspire people and be able to guide newly injured people through their own journey of rehab and recovery.

Please take a look at Nathan's website and if at all possible, please donate to his rehabilitation fund. Thank you for the support and I hope Nathan a speedy recovery.
You inspire me every single day. xoxo
Thank You for your time with my nephew. I believe he will power through this adventure with incredible energy. You have helped him believe in the future.
Thank you so much for visiting with Nathan, it meant the world to him, and helped his attitude remain positive. You are truly an inspiration to us all. Nathan is an amazing individual and we know in our heart he will overcome his disability. We look forward to meeting you someday, and watch you and Nathan surf together.
Rick Gocke (Nathan's dad)
You are both so inspiring!! Good luck Nathan, I am sure you will amaze everyone!!
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