It is coming up on my nieces one year birthday on May 22nd and I feel so happy for my brother and his wife. I always thought I was going to be married and have kids before my older brother, but I guess that didn't go as planned. My niece is the most beautiful/precious little girl. She is just learning how to walk and I feel so proud of her. She is always so happy and her smile is priceless. Its the smile you look at that inspires you to smile as well.
To be honest, I feel jealous sometimes of my brother because he has that all american life. The nice house, nice car, secure job, married to a smart and beautiful girl, has two dogs and a beautiful baby. What more could you ask for? I also look up to my brother and admire his advice and opinions on any and all the things I ask him about. I am so happy for my brother and I know how much he loves his daughter. Here name is Lexi and she has to be the most beautiful little gem you could ever be thankful to have.
One day I am going to be in that position as well. When its meant to be, it will be. No rush at all. As for now, I am just trying to enjoy day by day and experience new things that will help me grow to become a better person. Or at least I hope it helps me........Happy B-Day Little Lexi
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