I was really lucky to be able to go fishing with a few of my friends in Malibu yesterday. Just being out on a boat in the open ocean is so peaceful and beautiful to me. We went out on my friend Jesse's 14ft boat and went up to point dume to go fishing. At first we weren't catching anything, but we were still having so much fun out there. About 2hrs into our fishing trip we were drifting along some kelp beds and sand allies when BAMMM, I hooked up to a 6lb Halibut. I had the biggest smile on my face. I felt like a little kid at the candy store. I was so excited to catch a good size fish. We kept fishing for about 4 or 5 more hours and had such an amazing time. It meant so much to me just to be out on a boat with a few friends and having a great time together. I cant wait to go out again.

I once caught a fish in Sweden it was about twice the size of your Halibut, I know the feeling...If I didn't suffer from sea sickness I would definitely want to go fishing with you.
Thank you for the link to your blog, Jesse! I've gotta say that indeed, 140 words is never enough for someone like me, ha ha.
I am *way* impressed by your fishing abilities! How long have you been a fisherman? It's something I've always wanted to take up, and there's actually a group of guys who have offered to try to help me learn, but I haven't taken them up on their offer yet. Something to do now that the weather is warmed in Ol' Virginny!
The photos are simply fantastic. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to see them. :-)
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