''For someone with a spinal cord injury, Jesse has more backbone than anyone else I know. He looks people in the eye while he’s not afraid to make powerful requests of them. He’ll unabashedly cruise up and start conversation with any woman. Most guys hesitate when Jesse asks, “Why Wait?” And his injury certainly hasn’t stopped him from surfing waves even I’m timid to ride. He inspires strength in me as well as the reminder to live in the present moment so that I may enjoy and be aware of the best possible life experience. ''
-Jason Mraz, Singer/Songwriter
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Saturday, July 5, 2008
The 4th was on the 5th for me.....

Even though fireworks were in the sky yesterday, I felt like fireworks were exploding all around me today. Today was an amazing day for me. I recently bought a 22ft fishing boat and today was the first day I took it up to Malibu. The weather was beautiful, the water was glassy and the sky was blue. Lucky enough, I had one of my friends drive up next to my boat and take some photos of me on my first voyage up to Point Dume in Malibu. The smile that was on my face was from ear to ear. My life revolves around the ocean. If I am not surfing, I am fishing. The ocean is a peaceful place for me and it brings me so much joy. I am so thankful that I get to enjoy it.
Here are a few photos of me in my new boat. I am so excited......

Monday, June 23, 2008
I am very lucky to have been featured in the new film ''HighWater''
Last night was a special night for me. I was at the first screening of the new documentary film that I am featured in about surfing in Hawaii called HighWater. It is from the makers of Step into Liquid in which I was featured in as well. It was screened in the LA Film Festival at the John Anson Ford Amphitheatre to a packed crowd. To me it is an honor to be a part of Dana and Wes Brown's new film. Surfing continues to be a very special activity for me. Watching myself on the big screen made me feel very special and I felt proud of myself to be able to still do what I love the most, SURF. Following my dreams and being in a feature film movie has shown me how important it is to dream big and work hard. Two things that I try and do. Sometimes I do it and sometimes I don't. But with this new film HighWater, I definitely dreamed big and worked hard to make my part in the film the best I possibly could. I hope you enjoy the film as much as I did.
Friday, June 20, 2008
''Nice Yellow''
Today a few friends of mine and I went on a little fishing trip out to the Channel Islands. The weather was absolutely perfect. There was no wind and lots of sunshine. Being out on the ocean is such a special feeling for me. Just feeling the ocean breeze on my face is so clean and refreshing. We really had a fun time together. A few hours into our trip I hooked up on a nice size yellowtail. It was very powerful and almost ripped the fishing pole right out of my hands. I called out to my friend Jesse to take over on trying to reel it in. Twenty-Five minutes later we were all treated to a 26lb yellowtail. We all had huge smiles on our faces and gave each other high fives. Fishing is such a relaxing sport for me. I love it.....
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Capitalize on Possibilities
''Everyone has obstacles and insecurities on a daily basis. The measure of a man is how he deals with things. Jesse is all about possibilities....What can be done? What can I do? Why not? How will I make a difference? How can I contribute......TODAY! These are questions that we should all ask ourselves...Jesse stands tall in my book. Every time I think of him, I am inspired to do more.''
- Bob Hurley, Founder and CEO, Hurley International
- Bob Hurley, Founder and CEO, Hurley International
Thursday, June 5, 2008
A day with the boys fishing in Malibu

I was really lucky to be able to go fishing with a few of my friends in Malibu yesterday. Just being out on a boat in the open ocean is so peaceful and beautiful to me. We went out on my friend Jesse's 14ft boat and went up to point dume to go fishing. At first we weren't catching anything, but we were still having so much fun out there. About 2hrs into our fishing trip we were drifting along some kelp beds and sand allies when BAMMM, I hooked up to a 6lb Halibut. I had the biggest smile on my face. I felt like a little kid at the candy store. I was so excited to catch a good size fish. We kept fishing for about 4 or 5 more hours and had such an amazing time. It meant so much to me just to be out on a boat with a few friends and having a great time together. I cant wait to go out again.

Saturday, May 24, 2008
Acoustic music with Timmy Curran

Last night I went to the Santa Monica Surf Shop to watch a close friend of mine by the name of Timmy Curran play some music. I have been a big fan of his music ever since he first began singing songs. Usually he plays with his whole band, but last night it was just him and one other guy from his band. I love acoustic guitars and the way they sound makes me smile from ear to ear. It has been a little while since I heard him play and I was blown away at how on point those two played together. Wow. He played a few new songs and they all got my stamp of approval. The rain in the background added the perfect ambience to the night. Music puts my mind at ease and when I really just listen to the lyrics sometimes it takes me back to different places in my life and I am able to relive some of those memories right there at the concert. I highly recommend listening to some of Timmy Curran's music. I can't wait to see him play again real soon.
Click here to see more information about Timmy Curran

Here is a photo of Timmy and I when we were super young.....

Thursday, May 22, 2008
Happy 1st Birthday to my niece Lexi
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Straight from the Heart
"Jesse Billauer a lot of different things to different people. He represents strength to some and undying motivation to others. But personally, Jesse is inspiring to me because he used an otherwise devastating circumstance to his advantage. He saw opportunity where most others would see finality. Someone wise, somewhere once said that life is what you make of the hand you're dealt. I think it may have been Gandalf from the Lord of the Rings! Fuck it. That's a sweet movie. But no truer words were ever spoken. And no one that I have ever known has risen to that occasion more effortlessly than Jesse Billauer. Then there's the fact that he charges Pipeline. I still get irregular heartbeats when I think about doing that."
- Brandon Boyd, Lead Vocalist, Incubus
- Brandon Boyd, Lead Vocalist, Incubus
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Lexi's turning 1 this month

It is coming up on my nieces one year birthday on May 22nd and I feel so happy for my brother and his wife. I always thought I was going to be married and have kids before my older brother, but I guess that didn't go as planned. My niece is the most beautiful/precious little girl. She is just learning how to walk and I feel so proud of her. She is always so happy and her smile is priceless. Its the smile you look at that inspires you to smile as well.
To be honest, I feel jealous sometimes of my brother because he has that all american life. The nice house, nice car, secure job, married to a smart and beautiful girl, has two dogs and a beautiful baby. What more could you ask for? I also look up to my brother and admire his advice and opinions on any and all the things I ask him about. I am so happy for my brother and I know how much he loves his daughter. Here name is Lexi and she has to be the most beautiful little gem you could ever be thankful to have.
One day I am going to be in that position as well. When its meant to be, it will be. No rush at all. As for now, I am just trying to enjoy day by day and experience new things that will help me grow to become a better person. Or at least I hope it helps me........Happy B-Day Little Lexi
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Freedom on the Open Road
I feel so amazing when I get to experience independence, even if its for just a little while. Ever since I got my car from Honda about two years ago I feel like my life has changed a lot. Depending on someone to always drive me around was something I had to deal with for the first ten years of my injury. But ever since I got my car I am able to drive myself anywhere I want, anytime I want. I love to drive. I love the feeling I get inside of my body when I am driving. Feeling the bumps on the rode makes me feel alive. As long as I have good music to play, I can drive for hours and never get bored. While I am driving it gives me plenty of time to think about life. My past, the present and my future. I also think I come up with new dreams and new ideas while I am alone driving. I just want Honda to know that my car has changed my life for the better and that I am forever thankful for being able to work together with them to make one of my dreams come true, DRIVING, again after my injury......Thank you
Monday, April 28, 2008
Skiing Snowbird in Utah
I finally did it. I went snow skiing for the first time since my accident. Lets just say I had a blast. I have been telling myself for the past 12 years that I will never go skiing because I don't like the cold weather, but that all changed yesterday. It all started because I was in Utah for a fundraiser for a disabled athlete who is going to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro with a specially made hand-bike. Wow, isn't that amazing just to think about? Well anyway, I honestly felt like he inspired me to give snow skiing a try. With words of encouragement and the help of an amazingly nice and kind friend named David who actually set my whole trip up, I accomplished something that I said I would never do, Ski. At first I thought it was going to be so hard and that I would fall down the whole mountain, but luckily I had a great instructor who helped me feel comfortable and safe. Yesterday the weather was exactly what I was hoping for, warm and sunny. We also were lucky enough to have a film crew documenting this beautiful experience. After being placed in a sit down ski that is specially designed for a disabled athlete, I was ready to give skiing a chance. As soon as we heading down the mountain I could feel that I was learning how to ski very quickly. I was nervous at first but that soon changed to pure enjoyment. After skiing for a few hours I was really happy that I gave it a chance. The beauty in the mountains made my experience even that much more memorable.
If there is anything out there that is something positive in the world that you have been pushing aside because you are afraid to try it, I challenge you to reach deep inside yourself and give it a chance. You never know, it may be the best thing you have ever done. Follow your heart and make the unknown, known.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Fishing in Hawaii

First of all I love fishing. So today my friend Brett, my caregiver Raul and I decided that we wanted to go bottom fishing in Hawaii. We were excited to get out on a boat and be in the ocean while enjoying the beautiful weather. So we made reservations on a boat called the Sashimi II. As we began our journey out of the harbor at about 5pm we were looking forward to a nice smooth ride. Well thats not what we got. As soon as we got out to the open ocean the wind started to pick up and the swells were making the boat sway back and forth. I had to hold on to the railing so I wouldn't f fall out of my chair. About an hour later we got to the spot that we were going to be fishing from. It was not a fun trip for Raul at all. As soon as the boat stopped he began throwing up, over and over again. Both Brett and I felt bad for him, but we baited our hooks and began fishing. About 20 min into it I caught my first and only fish of the trip. Brett caught one fish about 20 min after me. Then we here over the loud speaker, ''All right, its time to reel em up, its a long trip back, we are done fishing.'' Done Fishing? What? That was the longest journey for the shortest fishing trip.
The best part about the trip was on the way back to the harbor, the boat crew bbq the fish we caught and we got to eat our dinner on the open ocean. It was a cool experience but I know for sure that we wont be back on the Sashimi II anytime soon.
Overall, Brett and I caught one fish each and Raul got sick. A classic trip but worth all the memories for sure.

Sunday, April 20, 2008
Music To My Ears

Music is one of the most inspiring things in my life. Music puts me in a beautiful state of mind that allows me to relax and think about life in so many ways. I was so lucky this weekend to be able to be at the Kokua Festival in Hawaii and see Jack Johnson and Dave Matthews perform. It was Dave Matthews first time performing in Hawaii, so I witnessed a little bit of music history as well. I was on stage for the show because I am friends with Jack Johnson so it made the concert experience that much sweeter. For the past 15 years I have always wanted to meet and talk to Dave Matthews because I have been a huge fan of his. Well I finally got the chance I have been waiting for, After Dave performed he came to the side of the stage to hangout with his family and to watch Jack perform. Since he was right next to me, I rolled over to him and just introduced myself. Not only is Dave an amazing musician but he was such a down to earth, genuine guy who looked me in the eyes the whole time we talked. Even though we only talked for about 5 to 10 minutes, I got to meet and talk to Dave Matthews. Wow. I had such a big smile on my face. His music to me is so amazing. He is so talented and his ability to sing is truly mind blowing. I can honestly say that meeting Dave Matthews was the highlight of my whole trip to Hawaii.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Hawaii Here We Come
I am so excited about my trip to Hawaii on Thursday. My good friend Brett, my caregiver Raul and I are going to hawaii for five days. We are flying to Oahu to catch some good waves and to listen to some amazing music. This weekend we get to see Dave Matthews and Jack Johnson perform as well. I cant wait. I love their music. Plus Jack is a friend of mine so it will be nice to see him since it has been awhile since I saw him last.
Brett and I are stoked about the good south swell that will be hitting the south shore while we are there too. We both love surfing and cant wait to surf in some warm water. I love being in hawaii and just having the sun beating down on my face. It's such a great feeling.
Hawaii here we come............
Brett and I are stoked about the good south swell that will be hitting the south shore while we are there too. We both love surfing and cant wait to surf in some warm water. I love being in hawaii and just having the sun beating down on my face. It's such a great feeling.
Hawaii here we come............
Monday, April 14, 2008
So much love from my little friend Nani.
Ever since my injury back in 1996 I have spent a lot of time alone. It has been my choice to be alone sometimes but it has also been because of the few close friends that I have now. A lot of my friends from high school have seemed to keep their distance from me for one reason or another. I mean, I could understand that it may hurt to see me in this disabled condition but I believe if they just spent a little time with me, that they would see the same Jesse that they were best friends with back in high school. I have done my side of things to show interest of wanting to hangout. I even make random phone calls to them just to say hi and see how their doing. Not only do I want to surf with them, but I want to hangout with them, go to lunch, dinner, a concert, etc. Friends are priceless to have around. Since I am not independent due to suffering a spinal cord injury during a surfing accident, I do depend on my friends and family to help me out on a daily basis. I even have a live in caregiver that goes with me everywhere. But because of these things I feel lonely quit often, so i decided to adopt a dog. I adopted a chihuahua from the Lange Foundation in West LA. It has been an amazing experience to be able to have a little companion with me everywhere I go. My dog even cuddles up with me to sleep. I love her. Her name is Nani, it means beautiful in hawaiian. It is the little things that my dog does for me that puts a huge smile on my face and helps me to not feel as lonely as I did before. When Nani runs up to me and licks my face and jumps on my chest to cuddle up with me I can truly feel so much unconditional love from her. I love just watching her as she plays with her toys. I adore her and I know she adores me. I am so thankful that I decided to get her.
I have realized through my own experiences that sometimes being a good friend is as easy as a simple phone call, just to say hi.

Sunday, April 13, 2008
What's the Buzz about Jesse?
''The initial idea that life has changed completely reminds me of nothing past the attachments to mobility and doing my own thing without limits. I was and continue to be inspired by Jesse's ability to see beyond just the physical limits to a place where life has more meaning with less. Challenges become welcomed opportunities to inspire people where they feel challenged and also where they feel content to not change what life is all about. LIfe can change in an instant. It's up to the individual to decide what that future means. We will all die but it's the living before then that matters. Jesse, thanks for giving hope and happiness to others in all areas.''
-Kelly Slater, Eight-time World Champion Surfer
Click here for more information about Kelly Slater
-Kelly Slater, Eight-time World Champion Surfer
Click here for more information about Kelly Slater
Thursday, April 10, 2008
I visited a recently paralyzed surfer in the hospital
Becoming paralyzed isn't the easiest thing to deal with. In the beginning it is very important to have a support group of friends to be there for you and to build up your spirits. About a week ago Life Rolls On, which is the non profit foundation that I started was contacted about a surfer by the name of Nathan Gocke who recently became paralyzed from the result of a surfing accident. They were hoping to have me be able to visit Nathan in the hospital. I of course said yes and wanted to be able to help him in anyway possible. I know from my own experience becoming paralyzed from a surfing accident in 1996 how important it was for me to have visitors come who have been in a wheelchair for some time to be able to give me advice on how to cope with such an injury.
So yesterday I drove an hour in a half from my home in Santa Monica out to Casa Colina Hospital in Pomona. On the way out there I was excited to be able to give back and have an opportunity to inspire and motivate Nathan. When I arrived at the hospital I rolled into the lobby and checked in so that I could get my guest pass and the directions to his room. I wasn't nervous at all being back in the hospital, because I have come to a peaceful place with my own injury and it makes me feel calm and relaxed when I get a chance to inspire others. So as I got to the room I rolled right in. Nathan instantly had a big smile on his face and it felt really special just to see him smile for that brief moment. We talked for about an hour and he seemed to be in really good spirits. It was really nice to know that he is a positive guy with high hopes of a speedy recovery. We talked about a new life that he was going to be living. A new journey that was unknown as of now, but would unfold as each day passes. I told him that if he ever needed to talk to me, no matter what time it is, feel free to call me and we can talk about anything you want. He also told me how inspired he was when he saw the photo of me surfing in Fiji at a well known surf spot called Cloudbreak. Not only is the wave amazing, but it is one of the most dangerous waves in the world due to its power and that it breaks over a very shallow coral reef. I told him in due time that he will be out there surfing with me again and catching some more amazing waves.
Before leaving the hospital I asked Nathan if he would be interested in having Life Rolls On document his journey through rehab and recovery. We would film him while he was doing his therapy and do interviews with him about his thoughts and feelings about his recovery. He began to cry and told me he would be honored to do this documentary. We talked about how it would inspire people and be able to guide newly injured people through their own journey of rehab and recovery.

Please take a look at Nathan's website and if at all possible, please donate to his rehabilitation fund. Thank you for the support and I hope Nathan a speedy recovery.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Bra Boys Premiere in Hollywood
Last night I attended the premiere of the documentary film ''Bra Boys'' at the DGA Screening Room in Hollywood. It is ''A film about the cultural evolution of the Sydney beach side suburb of Maroubra and the social struggle faced by it's youth - the notorious surf gang known as the Bra Boys.'' I am personal friends with the stars of the movie as well as the executive producers. This movie is heavy. I mean the Bra Boys are a tight group of friends that believe Blood is Thicker than Water. I had a really fun time at the premiere because I knew a lot of people there as well. I really enjoy watching documentary because they are ''Real'' heartfelt stories that you can appreciate and respect.
As I watched the movie I had some thoughts going through my head. I wished I wasn't paralyzed so that I could surf some of the amazing waves that were featured in the film. Specifically there was a wave called ''Ours,'' which was one of the heaviest waves in the world. I love challenges and trying new things but oh well, it might be a good thing that I will never get to surf this wave.
Check out the video of ''Ours'' right here.
''Bra Boys surf a crazy slab in Australia called Ours. Waves break over the rocky headland which results in some heavy tubes and even heavier wipeouts. Surfers get ragdolled into the rocks, watch till the end to see the consequences. Not nice.''
Bra Boys Trailer
Check out the Bra Boys website
Monday, April 7, 2008
Shooting Photos with Brian Bowen Smith

Yesterday I had the privilege of working with an amazing photographer, by the name of Brian Bowen Smith. Not only is he a great guy, but he is an amazing photographer as well. I didn't feel like I looked that good that day because I hadn't had a haircut or shaved my face in awhile, but Brian just told me ''lets just take a few photos and see what happens.'' What happened was, I ended up getting some of the best photos I have ever taken before. I should have known that he wasn't kidding because he has shot with people like Eva Mendes, Jessica Biel, Adrien Brody, Incubus, Orlando Bloom just to name a few. Lets just say it was an honor for me to work with Brian.
Please take a look at the amazing work of Brian Bowen Smith.
Click here to see more information about Brian Bowen Smith
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